

Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin


Doc: Grace, Part 25. Dying grace; the best part of the believer's life with God. Psa 116:15; Isa 57:1; Phi 1:20 21; 2Ti 4:1 13
Doc: Grace, Part 26. Dying grace with a saturation of Bible doctrine in your soul is the only effective challenge to death. Job 5:25; 1:21; 13:15; Rev 21:4; 1Co 15:16 26,51 58
Doc: Death, Part 1. For me living is Christ, likewise dying is profit. Phi 1:21; Gen 2:16 17; Rom 6:23; 5:12; Joh 3:5; Eph 2:1
Doc: Death, Part 2. The eight categories of death in the Bible. Phi 1:21; Rom 6:1 13; Eph 5:14; Heb 2:15
Doc: Death, Part 3. Categories of death in the Bible. Heb 6:1; 1Co 13:1 3; Rev 2:11; 20:4 6,11 14; 21:8
Doc: Death, Part 4. God saves the best for last. Phi 1:21; Joh 2:6 11; Eph 3:19 20; Isa 57:1
Doc: Death, Part 5. God saves the best for last. Phi 1:21; Joh 2:6 11; Eph 3:19 20; Isa 57:1
Doc: Death, Part 6. How to solve the problem of death. Rev 21:4; 1Co 15:16 26,51 58; Rom 14:7 8
Doc: Death, Part 7. The grinch who tried to steal Christmas. Gen 3:14 15; 22:17; 4:6 8,25; 6:1 8; Psa 89:4; 105:6
Doc Death, Part 8. The application of death to the living & handling self pity. Rom 12:9 10; Mat 6:1 6,16 18; Gal 6:2 5; 1Th 4:13; Rom 14:8
Doc: Death, Part 9. Definition & description of dying grace. Psa 33:18 19; 116:15; 2Ti 4:6 8; Job 5:19 27; Jam 4:13 14
Doc: Heaven, Part 1. What happens when we die & where we go; a trip to heaven. Phi 1:21; Dan 10:1 3; Rev 21:2; Luk 16:22; Mat 24:31
Doc: Heaven, Part 2. Our approach toward heaven & the arrival. Rev 21:12 13,18,21,25,27; 22:13
Doc: Heaven, Part 3. What we'll see when we arrive. Heb 12:19 23; Rev 21:12 21,25,27; Mat 13:45 46
Doc: Heaven, Part 4. What we will see as we go through the gates. Rev 21:10 11,21,23; Isa 24:23; 33:17; 1Jo 3:2b; 1:7
Doc: Heaven, Part 5. What our heavenly bodies will be like. Heb 11:9 10,13; 2Co 5:1 2; 1Co 15:3 8,39 44,50
Doc: Heaven, Part 6. What we will look like & be like in heaven. Luk 24:36 39; Joh 20:19; 1Jo 3:2; 1Co 15:35,44b 49; 1Co 13:12
Doc: Heaven, Part 7. What we will do in heaven. Rev 22:3 4; 5:8,11 13; 7:9 12; 19:1,5 6: 4:4
Doc: Heaven, Part 8. Your personal mental image of heaven will determine your attitude concerning the spiritual life here on earth. 1Co 13:12; 2Co 12:2 5; Mar 8:34 38; Rev 21:1 2; 2Pe 3:3 14
Doc: Heaven, Part 9. Questions & answers about heaven. Isa 65:17,25; Rev 19:11 14; 10:6: 22:1 2; 1Co 13:9 13; 7:9
Doc: Heaven, Part 10. Questions & answers about heaven; the conclusion. Rev 20:11 13; 21:22,1; Luk 20:27 36; Mat 24:34 39; Rom 1:18 20
While dying physically meant gain for the apostle Paul, continuing on earth meant gain for others. Phi 1:22; 2Co 12:15; Gal 2:20; 2Ti 4:7; Phi 1:6; 2:3 5,13 14
The believers whose termination is destruction, Doctrine of Sin unto Death, Part 1. Phi 3:19; 1Jo 5:14 17; Psa 7:14 16.
The Doctrine of the Sin unto Death, Prt. 2. The believers Phi 3:19a; 1Jo 5:14 17; 2Ti 4:6 7; 1:7; Heb 12:5 6
Doc: Sin Unto Death. Ananias and Saphira
Doc: Dying Grace. Stephen, the first martyr. Act 7:51 56
Dying grace. Prt. 1 Doc: Grace. Prt. 39
Dying grace. Prt. 2 Doc: Grace. Prt. 40
Doc: Grace. Prt. 41 The conclusion.
The seven different classifications of death. 1Ti 5:6
The death of Moses and why Satan wanted his dead body.
The death of Moses and the Doctrine of death Deut 34:1 12
Doc:Divine Power, The power of God in A FORTIORI & the physical death of Christ. Rms 5:9 10;8:31 32;1Pe 3:18
The New Racial and Spiritual Species Originate from a form of Death. Heb 12:1 3; Gen 17:1 4; Col 2:11 14
Your scale of values changes radically when you are up against eternity and death.
Dying Grace: Every man dies, but not every man really lives. Rev 12:11; Eph 3:14 20; Psa 68:20, 116:15; Isa 57:1; Rev 21:4; 2Co 5:8; Phi 1:20 21; 2Ti 4:1 13
The celebration in heaven. Rev 12:9 17, 1Co 15:20 24, 2Co 5:1 10, Oba 1:12; Pro 24:17 18, Rev 6:9 10, Rom 12:14 21
Doctrine of happiness, part 20 Happiness in death and dying. Col series
Doctrine of happiness, part 21 Happiness in suffering. Col series
Divine Power:The power of God to deliver the believer from the sin unto death 1Jo 5:16;1Co 11:27 30;5:1 5;Psa 118:17 18
Divine Power:Eliphaz assumes that Job is under divine discipline and very close to the sin unto death rather than what is true. 1Pe 4:15;Psa 19:7 13;Pro 17:17
Invisible Hero: Enoch was taken up apart fro physical death and apart from this earth. Heb 11:5;Gen 5:24;Jud 1:14;2Ti 4:6 8;Rom 14:8;1Th 4:13,16 18.
Invisible Hero: Enoch: Elijah and Enoch advanced so far & fast into super grace that transfer apart from death was warranted. Eph 2:7;Rev 11:3 13;Heb 11:5
Invisible Hero: Abraham: The death of Terah is shocking to Abram but is even more shocking to Terah! Gen 11:31 32;Psa 119:65 68,71 72,75;Luk 16:22 28
Invisible Hero: Jacob: Jacob's real time of worship and his last words on his death bed. Gen 49;Heb 11:21;Joh 4:23 24;Psa 138:2;Ecc 5:1 2.
Jesus Christ Was The First One Resurrected From The Dead. Doctrine Resurrection Part 1Col 1:18
Behold I Show You A Mystery. Doc: Resurrection Part 2 Col series
The Divine Victory Over Death. Doc: Resurrection Part 3 Col serie
In a Moment, In The Blinking Of An Eye Doc: Resurrection Part 4. Col series
Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory Doc: Resurrection Part 5. Col series
How Should We Then Live? Doc: Resurrection Part 6 Col series
The True Meaning Of I Am Coming Soon. Doc: Resurrection Part 7. Col series
That In All Things He Might Have Preeminence. Col 1:18 20
The uniqueness of two deaths & resurrection of Jesus Christ & the first resurrection. Col 2:12; 1Co 15:19 23
Doc:Problems & problem solving, prt 8. The problem of death. Psa 116:15; Phil 1:21; Psa 31:15.
The three categories of divine discipline: Warning, Intensive and Dying discipline. 1Co 11:30;Psa 7:14 16;Psa 38:1 4.