


Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin

The Angelic Conflict began before human history and is the reason for the creation of mankind. It is a conflict that is in full force today. This conflict explains the small personal problems in life as well as the major events that take place throughout all of human history.
Although most individuals are ignorant of this conflict (including many Christians), the Angelic Conflict affects all aspects of our lives.

Author Karen Hancock put it this way: “The ultimate conspiracy, its true nature and parameters remain among the most carefully guarded secrets of all time. For the devil has deceived the whole world, as God tells us through the apostle John. Satan is the prince of the powers of the air, the ruler of the earth, the roaring lion prowling about seeking someone to devour. He is craftier than any creature, able to appear as an angel of light, with an indescribably beautiful voice. Far superior to man in intellect, he has blinded the minds of men, both Christians and non-Christians alike, persuading them that there is no God, that they are not sinners, that they do not need grace, that they can please God with their own works—that there is no devil, no hell, no unseen war at all” (see Rev 12:9; Rev 13:4; Eph 2:2; Joh 12:31; Mat 4:8-9;Eze 28:13-19; 2Cor 11:3,14-15).