
The Angelic Conflict - Part 10 -

The Angelic Conflict - Part 10 -
Satan chose the title, the Most High, because he wants the glory that God has! Gen 14:18-19 Isa 42:8

1. Satan’s major purpose behind these five “I wills” is to be like the Most High, not to attempt to be unlike God.

2. Those under the influence of his false doctrine teach others how to improve human nature while ignoring the new creature created by God.

3. The presence of gross evil in the world is not due to Satan’s intention to have it so, rather it indicates Satan’s inability to be like the Most High!

JOH 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting, that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

MAT 26:52-53 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place; Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

4. Satan’s ambition to be like God has led him to take on more than he can handle.

5. Satan deceives the world and the church into thinking that he is totally opposite of God, which is true inwardly; but what makes his deceptions so great are the overt similarities that he has with God.

6. Satan is after worship from man; during the tribulation period he will demand the worship of the people of the earth or they will pay the penalty of death.

7. Any plans to clean up the world and make it a better place to live complements Satan’s evil goals and policies to be like God!

8. All the counterfeit systems Satan has simply reveal his desire to be like the Most High.

9. Religion is Satan’s counterfeit - a. Counterfeit Gospel, 2Co 11:3-4. b. Counterfeit Ministers, 2Co 11:13-15.

c. Counterfeit Doctrine, 1Ti 4:1. d. Counterfeit Communion table, 1Co 10:19-21. e. Counterfeit Spirituality, Gal 3:2-3.

f. Counterfeit Righteousness, Mat 19:16-28. g. Counterfeit self-righteousness, Mat 23:13-36.

h. Counterfeit Power and dynamics (miracles, healing, tongues), 2Th 2:8-10. i. Counterfeit System of gods, 2Th 2:3-4.

ISA 14:15 - This is the third fall of Satan which will be fulfilled at the end of the Millennium.

REV 20:10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

“you will be thrust down” = jaradh = he will receive this action

Rev 20:10 and Mat 25:41 indicate Satan will spend eternity in the lake of fire with members of the human race who rejected Christ as Savior, Rev 20:12-15.

ISA 14:15-17 This earth becomes the theater of the invisible war.

JOH 17:4 “I glorified Thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me to do.”

The earth will be the scene of the final triumph of TLJC and Satan’s final defeat.

Before Satan’s fall, there was one will in the universe - the will of God.

(1) There was no previous example of sin and rebellion. Satan started the first conspiracy against God!

(2) He was created beautiful and perfect; he lacked nothing as the greatest of all creatures.

(3) Satan’s greatest of all intelligence gave him greater light and understanding of the greatness and goodness of the God whom he sinned against.

(4) His highest position gave him the privilege of the greatest service to God. He used his authority against God rather than for God.

(5) In his perfection and holiness, he had the privilege of intimate fellowship with God.

1. Banishment from heaven; his privileges and position will be permanently lost.

2. Corruption of character. The “star of morning, son of the dawn,” now has become Satan, the opposer and adversary of all that God is.

3. Perversion of power. Satan’s power, once used for God’s glory and the good of His creatures, is now turned to disruptive and destructive purposes.

a. He used his power to weaken the nations, Isa 14:12. b. To cause the earth and governments to tremble, Isa 14:16. c. His prisoners have no relief, Isa 14:17.

4. Retention of some of his dignity, Jud 9. 5. He is destined to the pit. He will “be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit,” Isa 14:15, Rev 20:3,10.

1. God is perfect, therefore His plan is perfect, and He allowed evil to come into being.

2. Perhaps He allowed angels to sin to give an explicit example of the wretchedness and degeneration of sin and rebellion.

3. He used the test to gain a group of angels to serve Him from their own free will and personal love.

4. To finally show the grace of God in the preserving of some angels and in the redemption of unworthy, sinful man.

In man, God will magnify His grace forever before angels.

Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries

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Robert R. McLaughlin 2001