
June 2019 Bible Q&A

Selected Scripture

June 9, 2019 • Bryan Hughes

In this month's edition of Bible Q&A, Pastor Bryan answers these questions:
0:41 - Revelation 7 - Why the discrepancies of which of the twelve tribes listed in this passage?
6:12 – Why was Manasseh given so much land when the land was divided?
7:18 – Is parent-child dedication the same thing as infant baptism? What is the Biblical basis for a parent-child dedication?
11:11 – Is small attendance a concern during communion services?
12:46 – What is Mysticism and what are the dangers of it?
13:57 – Why do men typically pray at small mixed gatherings (Bible studies, community groups, etc)?
16:40 – Is cremation biblical?
18:51 – What are some principles to use to understand when an unbeliever or a bad example is spoken about in Scripture?
24:32 – What is the Bible’s view of cremation versus burial?
27:29 – How can I know if I’m really a Christian?
32:22 – Please give a brief overview of the different Bible translations.
35:00 – Do you believe in the view of monergism?
36:49 – Romans 10:9-10 – Are we saved by saying “Jesus is Lord”, or saved by putting our faith in Christ?
38:08 – Can you be a Christian and hold to the Arminian point of view?
40:19 – How are we to view someone who once seemed to follow the Lord but now doesn’t?
41:54 – How are we to respond to someone who claims to be a believer but who is living in sin?
43:24 – How do I know if I’m being undiscerning or unteachable?
45:17 – How do I stand for truth but stay humble enough to be willing to see when I’m wrong?

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