
Building Successful Relationships

LOVE: Loving others without condition

May 20, 2018 • Randy Hageman

We all hunger for long-lasting, life-building relationships. For many they are a struggle to establish or even maintain. We all desire a deep relationship with our spouse, parents, children, coworkers, friends and others around us. In reality, the quality of the life we live is directly related to the success or failure of these relationships.

For the next few weeks, we’ll look at the principles we can learn from to increase the level of intimacy in our existing relationships, help us develop new relationships, and perhaps repair damaged relationships from our past.


July 1, 2018 • Randy Hageman

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” is often repeated, especially to our kids, but the truth is that words have great power, to harm as well as to encourage and lift up. Love, availability, encouragement, respect and interest empower good relationships, but they’re useless if they aren’t communicated to the other person. Every relationship is sustained and deepened by good communication!


June 17, 2018 • Randy Hageman

There are people in our world today who are so hungry for respect and honor, but to gain it they think they have to put others down to raise themselves up, Yet this is so destructive for building healthy, growing relationships. Everyone appreciates receiving respect. When we see people as God sees them, as "fearfully and wonderfully made". then we can find ways to show respect to those around us and strengthen those relationships.


June 10, 2018

Everyone experiences pain at various points of life and that is bad enough. But being all alone in pain can be almost unbearable. What a difference it makes when we as Christ followers - by faith - are unafraid to enter into another’s pain. We can bring the hope and assurance that’s been given to us and that is vitally needed by others.