

Rhema Words

June 3, 2022 • Talesha Radford

There are two important Greek words used in the Bible. One is Logos and the other is Rhema. The definition of Logos in Greek means the written word, much like the written word in the Bible. The definition of Rhema in Greek means a specific, personal word from the Lord. God is constantly speaking to us! Sometimes He uses His written word (logos) in situations, and other times He uses a word that is personal and specific that can be applied in a “now” moment (rhema). Both are powerful and both speak volumes in helping us navigate life.

The vision of this project was to take the written word and create prophetic, rhema word declarations to wash over each individual as they listen. There is power in listening to the spoken word. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and it is a treasured tool for all of God’s children to use. Our prayer is that when you listen to His word and these declarations, that His word and His truth would become a powerful reality that you can stand firm on throughout life!

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