Satan's greatest weapons:
1. Distraction - if he can get you distracted he can get you off course.
2. Deception
Don't fight alone - get people praying for you.
Don't fight naked - put on the armor of God.
Clothe yourself in the truth of the Word.
Put on righteousness - God's standard, God's way.
Put on the Gospel of peace.
Put on Jesus.
Whatever is not of faith is sin.
Immerse in the Word of God.
The helmet of salvation - it guards your mind.
2 Corinthians 10:4
Bring every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Take up the sword of the Spirit.
Don't ne ignorant - recognize the source.
Ephesians 6:12
If we don't remember who the enemy is we can become skewed because our strategy is wrong.
Don't get discouraged.
Don't quit.
Don't allow the temporary to obscure the eternal.
Don't neglect the gifts God has given.
Don't fear.