December 15, 2024 • Pastor Zac Elliott • John 12:23–28, Galatians 3:16, Romans 6:4, Matthew 16:24–25, Galatians 5:24
This is part 3 of "God With Us," our series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine what it means for God to be present with his people through Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches us that God is with us when we feel overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed, we should remember God has a greater plan. When you feel like you are being buried, think of how you are being planted.
Jesus is the seed of salvation
The first thing to know is that Jesus was the chosen seed of Abraham to bring salvation to all of us. Like a seed, he was buried in death so that he could be raised to life. This opens a door for us to undergo the same process.
Bury your old life to be planted in Christ
Because Jesus died and rose again, we too can be raised to new life if only we will bury the old life. Baptism is a symbol of this death and rebirth. When we are baptized, we are "buried" in the waters and rise again as a new creation.
To be planted in Christ means you die daily so you can live daily
Jesus said that we must take up our cross every day. The battle with sin is real and constant. We must die to sin every day in order to have victory over it.
What happens when you're planted in Christ?
Your whole life should change when you become planted in Jesus. We leave sin and loneliness behind us as we grow. Bearing fruit becomes normal for us when we plant ourselves. As we grow, we begin acting and speaking in a life-giving way. Finally, when we are planted, we will glorify God and God will honor us in return. How can you make sure you are planted in Christ?
God With Us - Part 2 - In the Storm
December 8, 2024 • Pastor Zac Elliott • Mark 4:35–41, 2 Corinthians 1:3–4, Psalm 121:4, Isaiah 26:3
This is part 2 of "God With Us," our series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine what it means for God to be present with his people through Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches us that God is with us in the storm.
God doesn't leave you in the storm, so don't let the storm pull you away from God.
Sometimes our lives become overwhelmingly chaotic, but we must not let that pull us away from God. God stays with us through all our trials, so when we face them, we should remember to turn to him.
When we are in the storm, we are faced with many questions. What is happening? Where is God? Why God? Whose fault is this? Does God even care? It's important to remember that God never leaves us, and that he cares for us through our trials. When we are looking for someone to blame, it helps to remember that many of the storms we face are our fault! God does bring storms into our lives as a way to test us, but often we cause the problems ourselves! This brings us to an important truth:
Don't blame God in the storm; acknowledge him.
It is easy to blame God when things go wrong, but if we turn to him in faith instead, we can be comforted. God knows far more than we do, and he always sees around the corner. We should always trust him to know what is best in every circumstance.
When you're in the storm, turn to the one who can calm the storm.
As said, it's easy to blame God, but when we need comfort, we should look for him. Blaming God will never lead you to feeling whole when you suffer a storm. If we instead seek God for help and comfort, we can find healing and safety.
Who is in your boat?
Is Jesus with you? Have you given your life to him? If you want to be safe from the storms, you need to make sure that Jesus is with you. The only way to do that is to surrender to Jesus and let him take control of your life.
What's at the end of my storm?
There are two main results when we weather a storm God's way. First, we become stronger through the trials. Second, we become someone who can help others through their own storms.
Remember that God has a greater plan for your life. Will you submit to his plan?
God With Us - Part 1 - In the Good and Dark Times
December 1, 2024 • Pastor Zac Elliott • Isaiah 43:2–3, Psalm 84:5–7, Matthew 1:22–23, Philippians 2:6–8, Psalm 23
This is part 1 of "God With Us," our series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine what it means for God to be present with his people through Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches us that God is with us through both good times and dark times.
God is with you in the good times
The most important thing to do when we are in good times is to remember the God who brought us here. It's easy to forget about God when things are going well, but remembering God lets us show him gratitude. We also should learn that good times are not for us, but for us to give glory to God. In the good times, we should say: "I didn't get here on my own, God was with me." We most often forget God when everything is going well. Try to avoid falling into that trap!
God is with you in the dark times
Jesus came as our Emmanuel, which means "God with us." When he came down and took on humanity, he took on our weaknesses as well. We do not have a God who is distant, but one who walked through the trials of a human life. Because of that, he is able to comfort us through our own trials. What should you do to help you through the dark times?
Get your strength from God
God's power is made perfect in our weakness. When we feel weak, we must rely on him for strength. Let him restore you.
Fix your mind on God
Your focus sets your course. If we set our eyes, our minds, and our hearts on God, we will be able to endure through all sorts of trials and obstacles. How can you focus on God throughout your week?