This is part 1 of "Built Different," our series at Fusion Christian Church about how Christians are different from the world and how we should act because of that. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches through the first half of the book of Jude, offering insights into how we should stand out from the way of the world and not be like those who fall into judgment.
How are we built different?
According to Peter, we are like stones being built into a spiritual house. From the first half of Jude, we will see four ways that we are "built different" from the world.
We contend for the faith.
As Christians, we must stand up for our beliefs. We should not be like those who desire to be in God's army but aren't willing fight for our beliefs. It is essential that we combat false teaching and refuse to let it spread in the church.
We live in reverent fear of God's judgment.
Though the subject is unpopular, we must not forget that God's judgment is very real. If we forget God's judgment, we will downplay our sin, because his judgment serves as a warning that our sins are deadly serious. As the bible teaches in many places, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Knowing this, we should maintain a healthy fear of God's judgment.
We walk under authority.
We must always remember that God is the only true authority. Though some Christians are fond of "rebuking" things in their prayers, Jude tells us that not even the archangels do that. Instead, we submit to God and offer every situation up to his judgment.
We learn from the examples God gives us.
Pay attention to the examples of evil behavior Jude gives so that we might learn to avoid the mistakes they made. Cain thought he knew better than God and refused to offer a worthy sacrifice. Balaam tried to curse God's people for money, an when that didn't work, he encouraged seduction as a way to draw them away from God. Korah despised Moses' leadership, rebelling against the one God had chosen to lead the people. God severely punished the sin of all three men.
Through it all, remember that God has made you a new creation, and that we should respond to that by acting differently in the world.