
125 Days, 136 Hostages

February 9, 2024 • Marco Moreno, Stephanie Quick

It's been 18 weeks since 253 hostages were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in the Oct 7th massacre, and 136 remain. This week, Israeli intelligence confirmed 32 remaining hostages have been killed in captivity, and informed respective families. All this has happened while Qatar brokers negotiations between Israel and Hamas for the release of remaining hostages.

Israel's stated goals since Oct. 7th are to (1) rescue all hostages and (2) end Hamas. Can Israel achieve both of these goals, or have they become competing ambitions?

IDF Lt. Col. (Res.) Marco Moreno and Stephanie Quick visit Hostages Square in the heart of Tel Aviv, and hear one family's brave and heartbreaking story.

We are prayerfully developing partnerships with hostages’ families to meaningfully support them through this stressful season. Join us in this work with a tax-deductible contribution to our ISRAEL FUND.