
August 20, 2020 • parabl


Let me tell you something you might find a little interesting,
Jesus had a body and with it came an ethnicity.

As we take a look just put aside your subjectivity,
Christ was born to a Jewish girl who still had her virginity.

Okay, parabl, that's pretty cool, what does that mean to me?
I'm glad you asked the question now let me answer it easily.

If you say He's black or white then you've misunderstood Him equally,
His skin is olive-colored because He's the Jewish Deity!

Not white.
Not black.
It's okay.
Just facts.
Hebrew man.
Coming back.
That's that.

Dust off encyclopedias if you need a reference,
His Hebrew skin can't be reinterpreted for preference.

The Lord chose a Jewish body, have a little temperance,
restrain your need to make Him look like you cuz that's irreverent.

The Lord was still in His Jewish body when He ascended,
He'll come back in the same Jewish body, but more splendid.

I really hope this doesn't make anyone offended,
But it's really time this black and white Jesus talk was ended.