As We See the Day Approaching
Becoming confident conquerers in the Lord
The Bowls
July 30, 2023 • Wayne Braudrick • Revelation 16, Revelation 15
Incredible destruction will come on the earth in judgment, yet people refuse to repent. The unholy trinity of dragon, beast, and false prophet will lead the war against repentance and against Israel, culminating in the climactic battle at Megiddo. The repeated refusal to repent comprises the critical takeaway for every age. Individuals and ultimately cultures either admit their twisted nature and turn to God for salvation or double down on their nonsensical self-reliance.
The Beasts
July 23, 2023 • Wayne Braudrick • Revelation 13, Revelation 14
There is a reason thrash- and death- metal artists often use Revelation 13-14 for their song lyrics. It’s a heavy metal passage! The first and second beasts are absolutely terrifying, while the purified Jewish song leaders are inspiring. Amazingly, God still offers salvation to the dried-out souls of earth, whose wickedness overflows without restraint. When that salvation is rejected, judgment comes.
The Trumpets
July 9, 2023 • Wayne Braudrick • Revelation 8, Revelation 9
Revelation 8 and 9 detail the trumpets of judgment following a brief pause. God longs for all people to repent, but the harsh reality is that many humans are prideful and will (as we have throughout history) refuse to humble ourselves before our creator. This passage serves as a somber warning, both now, and for the future. Life change objective – We repent of our sins.
The Redeemed
July 2, 2023 • Wayne Braudrick • Revelation 7
Who then can be saved? Revelation 7 tells of suspended judgment in order for a certain group can be sealed for service. In this sermon, Pastor Wayne takes us through Revelation chapter 7 and shows how God's perfect provision will grant salvation, completed satisfaction, and a capacity to serve for future believers.