
Wake Up! - July 14, 2019

July 14, 2019 • Wayne Braudrick • Revelation 3:1–6

Jesus excoriates Sardis for being sleepy in the sense of 1 Peter 5:8 and Ephesians 5:14 (which may itself have been a hymn based on many Isaiah passages). They are warned that if they continue their somnambulant slide, Jesus will remove them. The needed response is to repent, be alert, strengthen ministry, shma what has been received – in a summary phrase, to “wake up!” the one who awakens in time will be rewarded by fellowship with Jesus and sanctification represented by walking in white. In a similar way, all Christians should remember the blessings that are ours through our placement in the Great Overcomer Jesus: white clothes, permanent place in eternal life, and commendation before the Father.

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