
10 The Generosity of the Judge: The Judgment Seat of Christ

The Beauty of Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge (2018)

December 15, 2018 • Romans 14:10–12, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 10:42

This 14-part series will explore the three-fold expression of Jesus’ heart and leadership in the End Times—as He pours out His Spirit, openly confronts darkness, and establishes His throne in Jerusalem. Mike elaborated on how understanding these three expressions of Jesus’ leadership impacts how we live and pray today, how we evangelize and disciple others, and how we prepare for the greatest revival in history that will transform the Church to relate to Jesus as a “prepared Bride” walking in God's glory (Rev. 19:7). This series is aimed at helping you understand how this impacts our lifestyle, our daily choices, our prayers, and how to make disciples who encounter Jesus as the Bridegroom, King, and Judge.