
Sis. Thelmetia A. Bynum

Your prayers, cards, calls and many expressions of love and sympathy are sincerely appreciated by the Bynum Family (Deacon Emeritus Raleigh, Sr., Raleigh, Jr., Bro. Zerrick and Sis. Monja Bynum-Parker - 5237 Downing Creek Dr., Charlotte, NC 28269 - 704-231-1897) as they prepare to celebrate the life and legacy of their wife and mother, the Late Sis. Thelmetia Argrett Bynum who transitioned on November 25, 2024.

--Funeral Home: Alexander Funeral Service - 1424 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 - 704-333-1167 - Mr. Corey Gaddy, Director

--Visitation: 10:45 am Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Omega Omega Service

            11:02 am - Girlfriends Memorial Service

-- Public Visitation: 11:20 am

-- Celebration: 12 Noon at 3301 Sanctuary

Interment: Private