
Past Sermon Series "Burn The Ships"

Don't You look Back

March 8, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

Sometimes, it's just better not to look. If you're superstitious about your favorite football team and close games make you nervous, you might say, "I just can't watch", when the kicker lines up for the game-deciding field goal. When I had to stick my head and arms through an opening under the stage at church to turn the lever for the water pump to the baptismal pool last weekend, knowing full well there is a legitimate chance that giant black spiders live under there, I did it quickly and didn't want to know what else was looking at me. Some of you probably prefer not to look when you're in an airplane. For whatever reason, the one dangerous place to look that always seems to get us is "the past". We can get into real trouble focusing too much on what we're leaving behind and not enough on what is ahead. This week at Friendship, we'll look at what God's Word says about advancing (moving forward) and refusing to worry about what is being lost or left behind in the process. When God urges us forward, we should not delay. We must always remain hopeful for the future as long as we remain in Him. Let go of the past and the old self with its old ways. We'd love to see you this weekend for the conclusion of the "Burn the Ships" series!

Dance Upon The Heartache

March 1, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

When we go through periods of intense pain and heartache, it can often control every area of our lives. It saps the joy and life right out of us and makes it hard to find the necessary motivation for even the most mundane tasks of life, such as eating, working, exercising, or cleaning. When we're in the depths of those painful seasons, it might seem like we'll never be able to recover, like the pain is what defines us now. But the God we serve is able to pull us out of those depths. He is able to restore that joy and liveliness to us. This week at Friendship, we'll look at what is necessary for us to move from a season of pain to a season of dancing upon that heartache as we trust and surrender to God. Only He can truly take us from the worst heartache to the most joyful celebration. This message will benefit you whether you've already overcome the heartache, are in the midst of it now, or know someone who is. You can't miss it!

Rise Up From The Dust

February 23, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever felt like you've been completely ruined? Have you been feeling that way lately? When a "storm" or traumatic event hits, or even when things are falling apart in general, we can be left feeling like there is no possibility of recovery. Walking by sight and feeling rather than by faith, it's easy to think all hope is gone and that God has completely abandoned us. The Israelites felt that way in the Old Testament when they were in exile and captivity, but God reminded them through Ezekiel that He can give life to that which is dead and bring hope where there is despair. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about what it means to "Rise Up from the Dust" after we've been knocked so far down that we feel as though we are ruined. We'll also be reminded that God intends for us to rise up TOGETHER, not alone. He created us to need each other and urges us not to neglect the fellowship and meeting together for encouragement. If you've been missing church and feeling disconnected from the family of God, this is the weekend to rise up from your bed and come united with others who are rising from the dust!

Step Into A New Day

February 16, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

When our forefathers left their home in England and sailed across the ocean to a new land with hopes of settling it and establishing a new nation, they had no clue what to expect. They pushed forward through storms and harsh weather, disease, and opposition to eventually establish an independent nation that depended on God and trusted Him to sustain it. There would be more storms, more disease, and more opposition coming their way, but they had confidence in two things: 1) the promises of God, and 2) the truth about God! This week at Friendship, we'll turn the page from the past to the present, going from waving goodbye to the burning ships to stepping into a new day. We'll see how even when we are looking to a new day, it's the never-changing truth of God that is our rock and our source of all we need. You don't want to miss this reminder of His power and promises as we move forward!

Dry Your Tears And Wave Goodbye

February 9, 2020 • Ben Sorbello

In the classic "Romeo and Juliet", the great William Shakespeare introduced us to the oft-repeated phrase, "Parting is such sweet sorrow". How are you at handling "good-byes"? I can assure you that I, as a sentimental human being, am terrible at them. I have cried many "good-bye" tears when going to college, moving to a new state, or bidding farewell to family members going away for military reasons. All of us have shed tears as we have laid loved ones to rest. That's the sorrow. Yet, the hope of seeing them again also provides a sweetness, a reminder that the sorrow will end. This week at Friendship, we talk about what it means to "say good-bye" to the ships we've burned, to "dry our tears" that fall as we face sorrow and grief, and to have hope for the day promised to us when there will be no more tears and no more sorrow. It is God Himself who dries up our tears and comforts us as we grieve. If you're going through any struggle that brings you tears right now, you do not want to miss this weekend!

Turn The Tide

February 2, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

One of the most peaceful and calming experiences you can have is sitting on a beach at the edge of the water, listening to the waves, and watching the tide come up to your feet. It's only peaceful because you know that water is about to go right back where it came from. When you don't know if the water will stop and it seems to just keep coming at you, the previously peaceful tide becomes absolutely terrifying. The trouble we experience in this world can seem that way at times. Grief, loss, disease, rejection, financial insecurity, and shame can bring so much devastation that it seems like a tidal wave has pushed us under and we can't even breathe anymore. If that describes your life or the lives of others around you, Jesus is your hope. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about what it takes to "Turn the Tide". God can and will do it, but what steps of faith is He requiring us to take in the process? Find out this weekend!

Say A Prayer

January 26, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

We've been walking through our series called "Burn the Ships" where we are urging you to not only leave the comfort zone to step out in faith and follow God into the unknown, but also to destroy the very thing that brought you comfort in the past. This is necessary because most of us will retreat when the going gets tough as long as the option is there. While we believe God is challenging us to abandon the things that have been keeping us safe and comfortable, we recognize that making such a decision can produce fear, hopelessness, and anxiety. What do we do when we're scared? To whom do we turn? This week at Friendship, we'll look at the importance of prayer as we're stepping into obedience, as well as the general need for it during any of life's struggles. Do you realize how much you need God? Are you willing to seek the One who was willing to die for those who killed him above all other answers? This weekend is a great chance to get back on track in your communication with God. We will also be celebrating the Lord's Supper, and we remind you that everyone is welcome at His table!

Send A Flare

January 19, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

When faced with urgent, scary, life-or-death situations, there is often only one chance at survival, one way out of the hopelessness. When people are lost at sea, stranded deep in a canyon, or otherwise disoriented in the wilderness, the only way out might be to send a flare of some sort. The purpose of the flare is to get someone's attention so they can do something about the dire situation and hopefully, save a life. This week at Friendship, we'll continue in our "Burn the Ships" series based on the lyrics of the song of the same name, and we'll talk about the need to "Send a Flare". The Church, and our country, are in an absolutely desperate state that for millions, is life-or-death. Our nation alone has aborted close to 20% of our current population since 1973, as millions of human beings created in the image and likeness of God have been snuffed out before they ever had a chance. What is the Church's responsibility in this? How might we stand up for the unborn while also promoting truth, love, and healing for those who are deceived into thinking abortion is the only way out? Find out the answers to these questions this weekend as we recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and welcome a guest speaker from Human Life Services as well!

Cut The Ties

January 12, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever been so sure that you were being obedient to God but had a hard time following through because of pressure from someone close to you? Family and close friends are some of the greatest gifts from God, and they generally mean well in whatever they say. Yet, they can also be the one thing that stands in your way of fully trusting and obeying God even when they don't realize it. Jesus is clear that we have to be willing to part with ANYTHING & EVERYTHING to follow him and be his disciple. This week at Friendship, we'll look more into how Jesus handled the opinions and actions of his own biological family members, as well as a prominent Old Testament figure whose biological family was holding him back from all that God had planned for him. We'll be challenged in our own lives to consider how, when, and where we need to "Cut the Ties". We don't want you to miss this opportunity to keep moving forward on the adventure of a lifetime with the Lord as your Captain!

Burn The Ships

January 5, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

Former USMC General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller had one of the greatest quotes of all time: "They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can't get away from us now!" This logic flies in the face of what our modern culture often tells us: "Stay safe, stay calm, and do what you can to avoid danger". I don't know about you, but in 2020 I am ready to live for the Lord with reckless abandon. I'm ready to lead others into doing the same. That means we'll have to get out of our comfort zones. We'll have to let go of some things that made us feel safe and secure. We'll have to "Burn the Ships". This week at Friendship, we begin our new series of that same title and begin to consider what things in our lives have become security blankets by which we refuse to follow God into the unknown and the potentially dangerous. You don't want to miss this kickoff to 2020 and all that God has for us this year. Let the adventure begin!