
God's Ears

January 29, 2023 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

"Did you hear what I just said? Are you listening to me?" How many times have we said these things to each other? How many times have we said these words to God? We read in Genesis 1:26-27 that God says, "Let us make man in our image", and then, "So God created man in his own image...". So then, if we have ears, does God also have ears? One could argue, since we know that Jesus is God and we use John 10:30, where Jesus tells us, "I and My Father are one", and we also know that Jesus was born of a virgin and "heard" things (Matthew 4:12, Matthew 8:10, and Matthew 14:13), which means He was listening, which means He has ears. So, there are questions we have to ask ourselves: Do we utilize God's ears? When we listen to others, are we listening the way Jesus wants us to? We are all like doctors for His Kingdom and the people we serve, whether they are believers or un-believers, are the patients. If we never listen to their symptoms, how do we know what to do and what to prescribe them in order for them to get better? This weekend at Friendship Community Church, we will be exploring "God's Ears" and we pray that you can join us on this journey.