
The Grace of God

April 18, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Today is tax day - even though for many an extension has been granted - and hopefully you all got your 2020 tax return done. I remember many years ago when I had only 1 or 2 incomes, no real additional assets or accounts, and no dependents other than myself, doing my own tax return was a piece of cake. I preferred to rely on my own ability and math skills to accomplish this difficult task and justify myself and my taxes in the eyes of the IRS. I didn't need anyone's help. As the years went on, as dependents were added, and as assets were obtained, I slowly had to come to the realization that my efforts were not enough to satisfy the requirements of the law. It became necessary for us to accept the help of one who could get it done for us. Of course, there is no grace with our tax guy; he works because we pay him! When it comes to our eternal justification before God, too many are still trying to accomplish it by their own abilities - we call this works-based righteousness, and it demands 100% perfection. Since none of us can achieve that, we were doomed without someone stepping up and bringing justification to us freely. That's what we call the grace of God, and this week at Friendship, we'll be exploring what the Book of Romans has to say about it. Here's a hint: it's only possible through Jesus Christ!

More from He Is

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

July 4, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever been scared for the future of our nation, or specifically the future of your children or grandchildren who will pay for the choices and mistakes being made today? Maybe you are feeling that way right now. July 4th is always a great time to remind ourselves of what a blessing it is to live in a country where we are free, even when we don't like a lot of what we see happening. It's important to consider what that freedom cost, and how the price has continued to be paid to defend it from those who wish to steal it away. For those of us who follow and trust in Jesus, we have even more reason to feel blessed, for we know the freedom He provided by His blood can NEVER be taken away. Once the only true King declares that you are free, no one else can change it. This week at Friendship, we come to the end of our long "He Is" series with the Book of Revelation, where we find that Jesus is indeed "King of kings and Lord of lords". His power, authority, and strength are unmatched, and our only path to eternal freedom from sin is to repent and surrender to Him. Join us this weekend to be thankful for freedom and to give Him the honor due Him!

The Lover Coming For His Bride

June 27, 2021 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

Are you ready for the wedding? Who is getting married and who is getting left at the altar? Who do you love, hate or use? Let's do a word association, where I mention a word and you answer do I love, hate or use that word. Ready? Here they are: God, money, Jesus, world, sin, people, sports, Holy Spirit of God (I know more than a word), TV, Bible, Church. How did you do? We will explore all of these questions this weekend and we will do our very best to get you ready for your wedding. There is no need to be anxious or nervous, just be prepared and ready for when the Groom comes for us! If you truly believe and have read your bible, then you know that Jesus is coming for the Church, and hopefully that includes you and I. Read Psalm 45, enter the King's palace, and praise His name forever and ever!

Healer and Shepherd

June 20, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever prayed for healing or direction and felt like the prayer wasn't answered? God doesn't ignore us, but sometimes His answer is not what we want. The Apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord three times to take away his "thorn in the flesh", as he writes in 2 Corinthians 12. But the Lord chose not to remove it, and instead urged Paul to trust in His grace which would be sufficient to help him overcome. Many believers today are in need of healing, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. They look for quick fixes in other things, but TRUE healing that is complete and eternal, rather than temporary and disappearing, comes through Jesus. In the same way, many believers are struggling with direction in life, desperately in need of someone to guide them and show them the way. Jesus, who said "I AM the way", is the Chief Shepherd who provides the care and direction we lack. This week at Friendship, we'll look into the letters from Peter and James as they describe our Savior and Lord as "Healer and Shepherd". Whatever else you've been turning to, it's not the answer. Join us and discover that Jesus is indeed everything you need!