
"Calling All Nations"

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Logan Ames

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" ~ Galatians 3:28

Our God is a God of diversity. Regardless of whether you see that word positively or negatively because of the way it is thrown around in our culture, it certainly does define our God. He has made both male and female, and human beings from every background, tribe, and nation, in His image and likeness. And through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, He is calling them all back to Himself. While many believers waste their time arguing over earthly differences that won't change their eternal standing one bit, God the way-maker is moving and working to bring all who are willing into His kingdom. And the Biblical truth is that one day, when they all stand before His throne and worship together, the differences won't matter, other than to reflect the wonderful creativity of our Creator. This week at Friendship, we'll reflect on this God-plan of "Calling All Nations", and consider both His power and mercy to save those who are far away from Him. Join us for a little taste of what heaven will be like!