
What Shall We Do?

May 3, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

I watched a movie scene recently where one of the characters said, "Talk is cheap, and I'm not buying any". For years growing up in the church, we were taught that we can't just talk about faith in Jesus; we've got to walk the talk. Yet, a survey in the mid-2000s showed that 42% of Americans claimed the title of "evangelical Christian" while just 22% showed consistency with the core doctrinal values of the evangelical faith. In other words, our country is littered with CINOs - people who are "Christian in name only". I believe this pandemic we're all facing is an opportunity to look in the mirror and see what is staring back at us. Do our behaviors line up with the Christian values we trumpet? Are we setting an example for the world around us in not only speech, but action as well? What must we do when presented with a truth about Jesus that exposes an area of sin in our lives? This week at Friendship, we'll be talking mainly about the need for repentance among believers. We can talk all we want about how our country or our world needs it, but it begins with US. The early believers were spiritually moved by a great sermon, but still asked, "What shall we do?" We must ask the same question in 2020, AND be prepared to act according to the answer we receive. The empty tomb means an appropriate response is required. Are you ready?