
With His Righteousness

June 14, 2020 • Ben Sorbello

As we wake up to this ever changing world we are living in, two questions we may ask ourselves could be:

Where is Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done as it is in Heaven?
Where is God’s Righteousness?

With more and more of the world trying to push God out of it, we have to assume that they do not care about making this world into a place or kingdom similar to Heaven. I was once told in a sales seminar that you can never win an argument when the person’s ears are closed. What that means is that even if you have the truth, if their anger or hatred is so great they will not allow themselves to hear anything except more anger or hatred, they will not want to listen to what you have to say. Our battle has to be with the human heart and that battle is fought usually hand to hand, one-on-one, starting with our immediate family and working our way out to the world. When the world tries to tell us what is right and what is wrong, it can leave some of us confused and looking for answers. Why aren’t people acting right? Or we say ,”That is not right!” We then have to ask ourselves, what is right? Who is the arbiter of what is right and what is wrong? Is it our parents or grandparents, our teachers or professors, our priests or pastors, our husband or wife, our friends, our politicians or doctors? If you profess to follow Jesus Christ, then the answer should be fairly obvious! We are going to explore God’s Righteousness this weekend and I invite you to come out and see how we can know what is right and what is wrong!