
The Arms of God

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

There is an old church hymn that speaks of the joy of believers who are "leaning on the everlasting arms...safe and secure from all alarms". It speaks to the peace we have even as we trod through a world of sin, chaos, and hardship. No matter how bad it gets, we have the strength and power of the Lord Almighty to hold us up and sustain us. Over and over in Scripture, we see reference to the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God, when He worked miracles to deliver His people from every possible alarm. In the same way, we should not worry about this world's troubles, because we have the promise of everlasting life with the One who has everlasting arms. In other words, God is not short on power; He has no supply chain issues. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about "The Arms of God", consider His power as a Miracle Worker who is still at work, and what our response must be. Let us join together in worship and recognition of His power and might!