
With His Truth

June 7, 2020 • Pastor Logan Ames

If you've ever done a treasure hunt, a scavenger hunt, or even something like an escape room, you know that they require a bunch of people working together, using their intellect, and searching for clues to get them to the answer. These activities are attractive to those who enjoy looking beyond the obvious, those who want to be able to seek and find what others cannot. Some have treated the Bible - and the truth about God in general - this way, wanting to find what others have not or cannot. This has often led to confusion, sharp disagreement, and even offense. But the truth about God is not something that's difficult to find. It is obvious, clear, and in plain sight, especially as we look at the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ! This week at Friendship, we begin our new series called "FORTIFY" in which we'll be looking at the various attributes of God's character, and we'll start it off by discussing how to fortify ourselves with His TRUTH. In a time of much confusion, anger, and division that threatens to overwhelm us and sweep us away, we can find refuge in the Truth of God. If you've been feeling fearful as you watch the news and hear the stories, this is a message for you!