
"Ecclesiastes 3"

June 16, 2024

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease" ~ Genesis 8:22

If you live in Pennsylvania, or anywhere in the northeast really, you've experienced some days where it can truly be said, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change". We get to experience the four seasons, and occasionally all in the same day! In this way, the weather is a microcosm of life. There are many seasons to life, and sometimes you might catch a glimpse of them in the same day. As believers who trust in a sovereign God, this means we cannot get too attached to one season or circumstance, expecting that experience to provide us with the happiness we pursue. Things can change on a dime, and we must receive the changes we cannot control as part of God's will as He oversees our lives. This week at Friendship, we'll hear two different messages out of Ecclesiastes 3, which addresses the seasons of life that God gives to us, as well as the restlessness and vanity of pursuing happiness in the midst of those seasons apart from God. Join us for this important reminder to seek first the Lord and His righteousness!