
Hey Magi, Are You Ready?

December 26, 2021 • Pastor Logan Ames

Who is the most famous person you ever met? Who is the one whose presence was so great that you could sense the magnitude of the moment? You probably were excited enough about it to tell all your friends and family. I met future home run king Barry Bonds when I was a child and my dad took us to Lemoyne where he was doing autographs. It was something I couldn't wait for back then, but to be honest he was kind of a jerk. I then encountered John Travolta as a young adult working at the airport when he was in town filming a movie and was flying home for the holidays. He wasn't as much of a jerk, but still didn't care that we were there. I've met a few other famous people, but the results were the same each time - they were indifferent to me, and their presence changed absolutely nothing in my life. But when I met Jesus, He changed everything. Furthermore, He did everything He could to draw me to Him because I matter that much to Him. This weekend at Friendship, we'll talk about another group of people that were called to the Lord while they were a long way off, literally. The Magi were given signs and every advantage they needed to come to Jesus, and they were ready and willing to worship Him when they encountered His presence. It changed them from worldly wise to spiritually ready. Has your encounter with Jesus produced the same results? We're all going to stand before Him again some day, when we'll bow down either willingly or reluctantly. Join us this Sunday to learn about the Magi and consider your own encounter with the presence of Christ!