
Summer at Fresh Life

Attacking Anxiety

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Shawn Johnson • Romans 15:13

Your freedom is worth the fight. Tap into the strength and tools you need to attack anxiety. God desires for you and the ones you love to not just get by or make it through your day but to overflow with joy and peace and hope.

The Ultimate Sleeper Hunter

June 26, 2022 • Pastor Earl McClellan • Acts 2:14–21

Discover how to tap into your true worth and value based not on what you do or who you are but on who you belong to.

Dealing With Depression

June 19, 2022 • Pastor Greg Laurie • 1 Kings 18:27–29

No one is immune from bad days and dark moments and getting down in the dumps. Learn from Elijah’s life on how to pray like it’s up to you, trust like it’s up to God, not take yourself too serious, and how to look up when you’re feeling down.