
Out of Sight, On His Mind

Has God Forgotten Me?

August 28, 2023 • Pastor Levi Lusko

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on how God does his best work in dark places. In times when you feel alone, left behind, and out of sight, Isaiah 45 shows us you're still on God's mind. You haven't been forgotten! We're learning how to embrace secret places, why it's important to choose the secret place, and what to do when secret places are chosen for us by God. How you choose to react to God in hardship is what leads to a dazzling display.

The Treasures of Darkness

August 21, 2023 • Pastor Levi Lusko • Isaiah 45:3, Isaiah 45:5–7, Isaiah 45:12, Isaiah 22

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on dealing with difficult things in life and how God gives us promises in the midst of our pain. Looking at Isaiah 45:3, we learn that even in darkness there are treasures to be found, by holding tight to God we can look at our pain with hope and purpose. You will learn about God's nearness in your darkness, and how He wants to use your pain to unlock His plans for your life.

Why It Matters to Memorize Scripture

August 13, 2023 • Pastor Levi Lusko • Isaiah 45:3

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on memorizing scripture and why it matters to our spiritual health. Looking at Isaiah 45:3, we learn that even in darkness there are treasures to be found, and the way to access them is by treasuring God’s word, memorizing it, and letting it set the pace for your life. You will learn why it matters to memorize scripture, and what you can expect from this important spiritual formation.