
Baby Monsters

Redwoods, Revenge and Thirty Pieces of Silver

February 3, 2019 • Pastor Levi Lusko

Judas wasn’t always known as the man who betrayed Jesus. But sin that is allowed to grow can change our identity without us realizing. In observing his betrayal, we are given two truths that can lead us from a path of our own destruction and we see the faithfulness of Jesus to always offer a way to redemption.

Kings, Dragons, and a One-Night Stand

January 27, 2019 • Pastor Levi Lusko

What caused David, the man after God’s own heart, to commit adultery and murder? In this message we follow the small compromises that lead to David’s demise and establish three truths to help counteract the same mistakes in our own lives.

Corpses, Hair-Cuts and Cabernet

January 20, 2019 • Pastor Levi Lusko

As we follow the life of Samson, we see how his small compromises lead to big mistakes. But God is faithful to redeem a humble heart. No one is ever too far gone. Our greatest days can come after our greatest failures.

Candybars, Squirrels and Homicide

January 13, 2019 • Pastor Levi Lusko

In Genesis 4 we see someone who could have killed the baby monsters in his life while they were still small, but didn’t. Huge horrible deeds come from tiny seeds - if we’re not victors over our sin we’ll become victims of it.