Join us as we install Pastors Joel and Pam Whitcher as the new senior pastors of FFWC
Pastor Michael shares his last message as a senior pastor of FFWC
The Father's blessing is powerful. Watch and learn about how it can change your life.
Learn about where we've been and where we're going.
See how God see's if we are truly devoted to His Word.
Learn what the reasons and blessings to obedience to God looks like
Learn that waiting can bring purpose, power and strength.
Learn on how to navigate through the difficult seasons of our lives.
Learn about the biblical importance of the shofar.
The tongue can be either a blessing or a curse. Learn how the spear of gossip can hinder your walk with the Lord.
Learn to trade your spear for a harp and live like David.
Learn how obedience is the scepter to disobedience in the believer's life.
Learn how unforgiveness keeps the believer trapped in bitterness, resentment, and sickness.
Join us as we discuss what jealousy can do in the hearts of believers
Learn from the life of King Saul how to lay down things that are keeping you held back from all that Good wants for you.