

**Strategy And Objectives**

The Freedom’s Journal Institute’s objectives include the following strategies:

Clearly articulate and defend our perspective on issues of national and local concern using whatever forums and platforms are available to us.

*Activities:* Publishing Freedom’s Journal Magazine, public speaking, media interviews, attendance at events, video productions and documentaries [e.g., A Matter of Faith, Race, and Politics].

Identify conservative blacks and other people of color and bring them together regularly, so they know they are not alone, build a community of like-minded individuals, organizations and leaders.

*Activities:* Host an annual Black Conservative Summit with seminars and formal meetings to create a core of committed activists willing to study the issues and recruit others to join the cause.

Help educate conservative people of color, so they become informed advocates and defenders of this perspective.

*Activities:* Identify pastors and community leaders for training on public policy issues, write for publications directed to black, Latinos, and other populations; write white papers, shorter essays, and books elucidating conservative principles and ideas from a biblical perspective; help newcomers to the movement get on the mailing lists of national conservative, faith-based conservative organizations.

Motivate conservative people of color to get involved in speaking out on the issues of the day, to act in ways that advance conservative ideas, and to challenge those around them to recognize and respond to conservative views.

*Activities:* This issue calls for the implementation of conservative ideas articulated in the strategies mentioned above. It also means forming partnerships or coalitions of like-minded groups to help effect policy on a local and or state level. For example, the Illinois Freedom Project proposes initiatives in three areas: standing for Marriage, protecting life, and promoting school choice.

In all these activities we recognize that the central element is that we are grounded in historical and biblical perspective. We realize that African American history helps to bring legitimacy to the conservative position we articulate. We understand that heroes of our past such as Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington, among others, have themselves argued some of the same principles and values we articulate in our modern society today. In accordance with this understanding is that their stances and perspectives were founded on biblical principles that informed their opinions and positions on public policy. We hope that we do justice to the legacy they have left us.

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