
Idaho “School Choice” Bill Fails Over Lack of “Accountability”

March 8, 2023 • Alex Newman

A “school choice” bill in Idaho that would have given out nearly $6,000 of tax money per homeschooling or private-schooled child was defeated in the state Senate last week, with opponents citing concerns over a lack “accountability.” A number of Republicans and Democrats joined forces to stop the proposal. 

Bestiality Taught in Australian School’s “Queer” Sex Class

April 10, 2024 • Alex Newman

What comes after LGBTQIA+ in the rainbow alphabet being taught to captive children? Many critics of the movement assumed it would be P for pederasty and pedophilia, and in some places, it is. But in Australia, it seems that “B” might be the next letter added to the ever-longer list of sexual and gender deviance.

Number of Students Absent from School Skyrockets

April 3, 2024 • Alex Newman

More than one in four students enrolled in government schools nationwide are now considered “chronically absent,” up from just 15 percent before the tyrannical response to COVID, revealed https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/long-covid-for-public-schools.pdf?x85095 of data from almost 40 states.

Big Ed Freaks Over Homeschool Mom Running for NC Superintendent

March 27, 2024 • Alex Newman

The education establishment and its allies in the leftwing media are in collective freakout mode over conservative homeschool mom Michele Morrow, who recently ousted an establishment candidate in the primary for North Carolina state superintendent of public instruction.