
Brutal Violence Against Teachers is at “Crisis” Levels

June 19, 2024 • Alex Newman

Teachers are under attack — literally. Violent and indoctrinated students in government schools across the United States and beyond are increasingly beating not just each other, but even their teachers, according to a flurry of nationwide reports based on a survey of teachers that found startling levels of violence against educators.

Student’s Diploma Withheld For Citing God in Graduation Speech

June 27, 2024 • Alex Newman

A Kentucky student had his diploma temporarily withheld by district officials for going “off script” and celebrating his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” as “the light, the way, the truth, and the life” in his graduation speech. Clearly, Jesus Christ is becoming more and more unwelcome in public education.

“Toxic Whiteness:” NY Taxpayers Owe Millions to White Educators

May 29, 2024 • Alex Newman

Woke extremism is costing the struggling taxpayers of New York City in more ways than one. Those who pay the bills in the Big Apple are on the hook for millions of dollars after three European-descent educators sued over anti-white discrimination schemes. The lawsuit was a response to an obsession by far-left city leaders with “diversity” and ending what officials view as “toxic whiteness” in education.

Illinois to Mandate “Climate” Brainwashing at School

May 22, 2024 • Alex Newman

With the United Nations and other powerful international players demanding more, government schools across Illinois will soon be required to indoctrinate every student with man-made “climate change” propaganda. But despite a brouhaha about the scheme, children across the state are already being bombarded with global-warming hysteria.