
7 Expectations for Every Church Member

2022 April 1/2

Note from Nate: I have really grown to enjoy these guys. I appreciate the way they clearly lay out commitments we can make not only for the benefit of our own spiritual formation, but also for the formation of the community. I love our church! A lot of these we likely feel we just naturally do. But where are you challenged? Which ones are more difficult for you? How might God be nudging you into deeper discipleship? Let me know if you want to talk!

Description: Every Christ-follower is meant to be connected to the church. You are not here by accident. God has a plan for you, and that plan includes being a faithful and active part of a local church. Church membership includes seven basics of belonging. Embrace the seven basics of belonging and serve God more through the church. You need your church, and your church needs you.

1. Worship: Saying “yes” to God

2. Grow: Making disciples who make disciples

3. Serve: Reaching outward beyond yourself

4. Give: Honoring God with your offering

5. Pray: Prioritizing God’s will through prayer

6. Seek unity: Keeping the main thing the main thing

7. Sacrifice: Putting others before yourself