
Week Six: 1 Corinthians 8 & 9

February 17, 2022 • Jaime Carna • 1 Corinthians 9, 1 Corinthians 8

• Just because we have the "right" to do something, doesn't mean we should, especially when exercising that right causes our "weaker" brother or sister to stumble in his or her faith, or when refraining from that "right" removes obstacles to the gospel and helps us better build up the body. “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.” There are some things that we may need to set aside (even if it’s within our rights) for the sake of the gospel, out of love for the body of Christ. Read Romans 14: 1-21, where Paul expands on this point.
• When we place other’s needs and concerns above our own, when we’re sensitive to other’s “weaker” consciences,” when we avoid placing unnecessary “stumbling blocks” in the way of a believer . . . we strengthen the body.
• Never assume the gospel, even in your own heart. Even though salvation is guaranteed for all who claim Jesus as Savior, even though we can live confidently that nothing will ever separate us from the love of Christ, we still run toward the finish line, toward our prize, our heavenly crown. Even though we know this victory is ours, we still run the race “for the sake of the gospel, that we might share in its blessings.”

Reflection Questions:
• Are there any “rights” you are holding on to which could upset the faith of others or cause another to stumble? What needs to change?
• How can we get to a point where we use our rights to “build up” the body of Christ? How can our inward-bent use of rights begin to bend outward toward love?
• In what specific ways are you being called to “become all things to all people” for the sake of Christ? In what ways is this challenging?
• Is there a particular area of life where you need to pursue greater self-discipline in order to “run the race that's been set before you”?

"We run the race that’s been set out before us, that we might share in the gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to us by becoming one of us, an insider who felt our deepest hopes and aspirations, who learned the questions we were asking, and the things that troubled us, a witness that immersed himself so deeply in our fallen world, speaking and giving, living and love in ways we could understand – sharing everything with us, becoming weak for us, sacrificing all his freedoms and rights on our behalf, not just setting them aside but losing it all, giving his life for us and for our sins, in order to win us to him forever." (Paraphrased from Steven Um)