
Leveling the Field

Isaiah 40: 1-5

December 17, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

They left their flocks, their usual life, and made haste to Bethlehem. Because they repented. They changed their minds about the comfort of a settled life and went to kneel before the unlikely infant King. And then they told everyone. So it goes around the world and through the centuries. One to one, heart to heart. The glory of God has been revealed in a helpless child lying in a manger. Repent, turn from yourself, and you will be enabled to see that this child is the King, the fulfillment of all our hopes. The joy of all our desiring.

"Leveling the Field"
Isaiah 40: 1-5
Gerrit Dawson

The Light of Love

December 24, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Life from a Stump

December 10, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The baby in Mary’s womb was the new David. He was the heir to the everlasting promise. Through Jesus, after all these centuries, the eternal kingdom would be ushered in. No accident then when Jesus claimed his roots in David the Shepherd King as he declared, “I am the Good Shepherd. I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10). This is the one for whom they had been waiting a thousand years. He would be the King of Peace. "Life from a Stump" Isaiah 11: 1-9 Gerrit Dawson

Dancing on a Thread of Hope

December 3, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

This Advent we’re going to trace the thread of hope that runs through Scripture. It goes all the way back to the first book of the Bible. We’re going to look at some of the prophecies that foretold the coming of a savior to God’s people. Some of these prophecies are just hints, precious clues to which people clung as they waited for God to act. Some are bright proclamations that set our heart singing. We’re going to start with some of the oldest promises of a champion and consider how they were fulfilled in Jesus. Genesis 3: 15 Numbers 24:17 Deuteronomy 18: 15-18