
Wise Rulings

May 7, 2017 - 1 Kings 3: 16-28

May 7, 2017 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Solomon did not demonize nor did he minimize. He believed that a mother’s heart for her child is a fierce love shared by women across every descriptive category. He also knew there are some bad mothers, people who give in to jealousy, panic, rage and envy. People who would rather see you fail with them than let you succeed. Solomon knew that human beings are sinful. He knew that human beings are capable of great love. He just needed to cut beneath the rhetoric so the hearts could be revealed. He needed a deeper comprehension than simplistic answers from the right or the left.

Wise Rulings
The Wisdom and Folly of Solomon
I Kings 3: 16-28
Gerrit Dawson