
What's Your Story?

July 31, 2022 • Gerrit Dawson • Psalm 116:1–2, Psalm 116:7, Psalm 116:12–14

What’s your story? Can you remember a time when the Spirit woke you up to the truth of Jesus Christ? Even if you were a Christian all your life, normally there are experiences of coming to a new level of faith, of surrender, of need and fulfillment.
Can you recall any of those times?

If not, you may have a momentous decision to make. Is the Spirit calling you to faith in Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord? As the one who rescues you from emptiness, guilt, brokenness, fear of death and loneliness. As the one who calls you to submit to his benevolent kingship? It is never too late to say, “Lord I am yours. I accept my need for a savior and you Jesus are the one. I give my will, my mind and my affections to you. Make me the person you created me to be, for your glory.”