
When Being Good Isn't Enough

Luke 15: 25-32

January 21, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Your Father wants you to stretch forth your hands and speak to him. He does not play hard to get. Speak to him. See him smiling. Urging you into the party. Try on these incredible declarations. Walk through the days thinking and acting as if it were so: You are always with me. All that is mine is yours.”

When Being Good Isn't Enough
Luke 15: 25-32
Gerrit Dawson


February 4, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The servant was frightened of the new king. He feared losing the money the king gave him for safe keeping in a bad deal. So he did not play to win. He played not to lose. Any coach will tell you that’s the surest way to lose. We are accountable. The king is coming back to ask what we did with what he gave us. The measure will not be as much about how well we did as whether we got after it in the first place. The minas in this story were given in the same amounts to everyone. What is it that every person who belongs to Jesus gets in the same measure? It’s not gifts: our gifts differ. It’s not circumstances or length of life, physical strength or mental agility: those all differ markedly. What do all those in Christ receive? The blessed Holy Spirit within our spirits. We receive the mystical union with Christ. Meanwhile Luke 19: 11-27

Stopping Along the Way

January 28, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Who IS your neighbor? Let your compassion guide you. Which wounds break your heart? Go there. Which beaten souls tug at your soul? Go there. You can't go everywhere. But if we started with tending the wounds which pierce us with compassion, what a difference it would make. We continue our sermon series on the parables focusing on the Good Samaritan. "Stopping Along the Way" Luke 10: 25-37 Gerrit Dawson

The Lost Son

January 7, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The father strained his eyes down the foreign road for any sign of his son. If we were to step into this story that Jesus told and began to consider that the Father was waiting for us now, would that be enough to get us to our feet? We may be able to slop the pigs in a foreign land for a long time if we do not believe there is any other choice, if shame prevents thoughts of home. But what yearning homeward is awakened when we discover that God our Father waits for us? God, our loving heavenly Father, watches every moment for any sign of our return. He is ready to embrace us even in our filth. He wants to love us through the shame and call us his own dear children! He waits longingly for us to realize he is there. So is it time to get up and start down the road toward home in God? "The Lost Son" Luke 15: 11-14 Gerrit Dawson