
O Dayspring

December 19, 2021 • Gerrit Dawson • Malachi 4:2, Luke 1:76–79

We have to set our course. To turn from darkness and make for the light. We sail on toward the heart of the sunrise. We believe into Jesus, propelling towards him. We sail up the bright river of life, making for the Source as we worship Jesus our Dawn.

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King and Desire

December 12, 2021 • Haggai 2:7, Isaiah 25:6–9

Christ Jesus is the Desire of the Nations, the Christmas Star shining in the dark, the savior who comes to take us from death to life.

The Root and the Key

December 5, 2021 • Gerrit Dawson

O Key of David that opens and none can shut, come and unlock our weary hearts once more! O Root of Jesse uniting and undergirding all of us, send your nourishing life through us again. O Shoot of Jesse, who restored the promise, come again and make all things new, beginning with us!

O Wisdom

November 28, 2021 • Gerrit Dawson • Proverbs 8:27–31, 1 Corinthians 1:21–25, Isaiah 11:2

God sent his Word into the world. His wisdom, his Son, grew to be a man who walked among the fiery suffering and blazing anger of a rebellious world. He came to save us. Yet, we rejected him. The rebel heart of man declared the wisdom of God to be foolishness. But you know the story. One more move from the King, the wisdom of God to take the worst that we could do, killing the Son of God, and turn it into the best news the world would ever hear: your sins have been atoned for. Death has been conquered. The devil has lost. The king had one more move and the match has turned forever in his favor.