
When Jesus Doesn't Want You

Luke 5: 27-32

February 7, 2021 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

We are a collection of liars, adulterers, cheats, fakers, gossips, drunks, idolaters, doubters--sinners every one of us. But we gather in the hope that we can, as a result of Jesus’ call, get off the highway and turn around. Jesus comes to us even when we are years down the wrong road. Jesus finds and warms the long-buried heart, even when we thought it was lost and turned to stone.

Pick Up Your Mat

January 31, 2021 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

How does forgiveness free paralysis in life and mission? How does Jesus connecting to us at the point of our deepest need loosen up our whole lives to be lived more fully for Christ? How does faith--robust, risky, sold out faith--get us connected to the One who alone forgives and brings to life?

I Am Willing

January 24, 2021 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The question of the willingness of Jesus is urgent for all of us. Especially at the point of our greatest shame and deepest need. We might imagine that Jesus is willing to be with us when we are being good. When we are doing our Bible study or serving in a mission. When we are writing a check or being nice to someone. Sure, I imagine Jesus is willing to bless me when I am on the road of serving him. But is he willing to be with me in those back streets of the soul? YES!

Put Out into the Deep

January 17, 2021 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The tugs and ambitions we feel pale in comparison to the call of Jesus to follow him and go fishing for people. We discover that life is about being transformed by Jesus’ love, and then going to offer that love to others. This new activity of fishing for people may or may not be externally different from our current daily work. The key change is in the perspective from which we view people and tasks. We live now with a new sense of purpose in life: We are to be channels of God’s love. We have a mission. It lights up everything.