
He's Coming Back!

October 31, 2021 • Gerrit Dawson • 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18

"So we will always be with the Lord." How do you feel about that? How do you feel about being gathered from wherever you are to meet the Lord in his triumphant return? How do you feel about being in his presence always? Do you long to be gathered in his arms? Do you thrill to seeing all things ordered and arranged around the rule of our King Jesus? Are you eager for him to return to set all things right? How do you feel that Paul says, “we,” not “I,” will be with the Lord? Not the “we” of just my favorites, but the we of all who are joined to Jesus, the whole church universal. Does this vision attract you or repel you? Do you trust Jesus to set all things as they should be? Do you long to be with him? This reality calls to you. The fact of his return gave the Scots Presbyterians courage to face every enemy, to recreate a nation. It inspired them to holiness and to hope. Are you with them?