
It All Comes Out in the Wash

Psalm 32

August 4, 2019 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

So we all try to get rid of guilt. Whether we are believers or atheists, whether we are hyper-aware or completely oblivious, every one deploys a strategy for diminishing the power of guilt. It seems there are three attractive but ultimately futile ways we try to deal with such guilt. For fun, we’ll call them the Karma Shift Spin.

"It All Comes Out in the Wash"
Psalm 32
Gerrit Dawson

Lord and Savior—and Treasure: The Complex Beauty of Christ

February 4, 2024 • David Mathis • Revelation 5:1–12

God designed our souls for Jesus. Not just a divine Father, and not just a human friend, but God himself in human flesh. God himself, in the person of his Son, becoming one of us — God with us, as fully God and fully man, in one spectacular person. #beautyofchrist #firstpresbyterianbr #sermon #revelation #lambofgod #lionofjudah

Better Together

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Adraine White • Ephesians 4:23, Ephesians 4:16, Ephesians 4:1–6

We can clearly see that God has called us to unity. He is more concerned about the unity of the Spirit than he is about the unity of our races or even the unity of our politics. There is a unity that the spirit is capable of producing that will bring us together, if we will allow him. We are different and it's NOT a mistake nor is it a curse, it's by God's design. Our job is to embrace the differences, forbear one another & come together so we can see what wonderful things we can accomplish when we do.

God Is the Strength of My Heart

August 6, 2023 • Gerrit Dawson • Psalm 73:1–5, Psalm 73:13–26

These days, a powerful idea gets marketed to us from all sides. It’s the dream that I can hold my whole life in my hands and get everything arranged according to my truest self. I can live my dreams. I can express my truest self, and everyone will recognize it and give me space and I will be fulfilled in myself. I don’t need God or anyone if I can just grasp myself, and then be myself. I can do it, if I believe enough in myself and work hard enough and carve out my space.  #strength #powerofgod #sermon #worship #firstpresbyterianbr #creator