
Guard Your Freedom

Colossians 2: 16-23

October 7, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

You can’t talk your way out of legalism. You can’t reason your way out. After all, it’s a good thing to confess sins, pray sincerely, share the gospel, pick up trash and apologize to people you offend. It’s a good thing to walk 15,000 steps, stand up during the day and eat healthy. It’s a good thing to enact spiritual disciplines and read Christian books. You can’t reason your way out of legalism because it is made up of good things. It’s just that those good things can become chains that bind. What’s good practice for one becomes chains of guilt to another. These good practices can become obsessive. They can become the basis for evaluation instead of the only thing that matters: are you in Christ, trusting in him alone for your salvation?

"Guard Your Freedom"
Colossians 2: 16-23