
That's My King

Colossians 1: 15-18

September 2, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

This is what happens when people discover the divine Kingship of Jesus. They don't get lost in a lot of swirly ideas theological debates. They get moved in the core of their beings by a love that envelops them. They meet the Force at the center of the universe and realize that he is personal. He showed himself to us as the man Jesus Christ. He is the source and the goal. He is the point of life right now and the final destination of all things. He is our God and King. If you don't know him, go before him in prayer and ask him to take you as his subject, to be your personal king and most intimate savior. If you do know him, show your loyalty to the King. Leave off your rebel thoughts, your seditious actions and give yourself ever more wholeheartedly to his service. Be faithful so that you can with your whole heart and mind point to the man on the cross and say, "That's my King!"

All the Saints

November 25, 2018 • Rev. Whitney Alexander

The Push

November 18, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The world outside the circle of union with Christ has questions for us. They want to know if we are any different than they are. They want to know if Jesus is real to us, and if we are real about Jesus. And every Christian must be able to speak what makes Jesus true and real in our lives. That means that for the sake of the world we are called to live passionate, authentic lives in Christ. So Paul urges us to get in on the great Push. The Push in prayer, the Push out toward the world, the Push in gracious conversation. "The Push" Colossians 4: 2-6

House Rules

November 11, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Here’s the secret. We submit, respect, love, cherish, obey, rule, manage, and work always and ever for the Lord Jesus Christ. You may not want to listen to your spouse and be supportive and admiring on any particular day. But you can ask yourself, “If this were Jesus telling me about his day, would I be interested? If this were Jesus asking me to do this task, would I be happy to do it?” Well, the truth is, it is Jesus. Every duty is unto him. When we get this, then we have an internal freedom. "House Rules" Colossians 3: 17-4: 1 Gerrit Dawson