The cross is the tree of life restored to us. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus reaches backwards in time as well as forwards. He redeemed the people of God who lived before him, who awaited him, though they only knew him in shadows and yearning. In taking all our death upon himself, Jesus reaches back to the very beginning of our human living and dying. In taking the hell due to us, Jesus undoes the curse and opens eternal life to us once more. The killing cross becomes the tree of life returned to us.
The God who flung galaxies across the field of space will touch, personally and directly, each eye that cries. He will take tears as his own. The God who hears the thunderous cataract of the multitude in praise, attunes to each sigh of his beloved. He attends to us like a father, like a spouse, like a friend. This is our God. We feel him do this from time to time in these dark days. Sometimes by the presence of his comforting Spirit. Sometimes through those he sends us.
Revelation assures us that more is coming. None of these tears are lost. They will all be cared for.
A Christmas Wedding
December 8, 2024 • Gerrit Dawson • Revelation 19:6–9
Every worship service between now and Jesus' return is like an engagement party. All the guests come. Everyone anticipates the wedding that will be. So confident are we that the groom will keep his pledge, that we dance with abandon. We lift up our voices in joy. We let our hearts swell for the wedding day that will be here soon, oh, so very soon.