
Get In the Zōn!

April 16, 2017 - Revelation 1: 4-8, 17-18

April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017
Living from the Lord's Prayer, Part 7
Revelation 1: 4-8, 17-18

The ancient hold of death and Satan upon us has been broken. The fear that plagues us has been taken by Christ the Savior. And now people are getting into the Zōn. They are repenting of their sins, giving their lives to Christ and being washed clean by his blood. Even though it looks like the world has gone mad, the gospel is still powerful. Countless captives are being rescued from the grasp of the evil one. People are leaving fear and entering the Zōn, the life of the risen Jesus. Lapsed Christians are now returning to the Lord in contrition, stepping back into the Zōn, stepping away from themselves and into Christ.

Let us say "No" to Satan and sin and "Yes" to Jesus with all our hearts. Let’s get in the Zōn!