God's Grief

June 11, 2023 • Gerrit Dawson • Genesis 6:5–8

God was grieved in his heart that his creation would not look to him. He yearns to be our God and to care for us as his beloved people. He has made provision for us to be saved from the hell of trying to solve our lives on our own. He has made provision to save us from the hell of his loving wrath against sin. Psalm 95 tells us, “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” Look, this is the day of salvation. While the ark door is open, come inside. Come to Christ. This could be the first time for salvation. Or it could be that you are a rebellious Christian, holding on to control and a cherished sin, and he calls you, “Get out of the flood waters of rebellion and get back into the ark that is Jesus.” We get in the ark of salvation as we take in Jesus Christ by faith. The door is open. The flood is coming. Dear ones, get in the ark!  

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