
Galatians 1

March 17, 2021 • Jaime Carnaggio

• The gospel is salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. Grace is God’s unmerited, revolutionary, and life-changing favor poured out upon undeserving sinners.
• If we don’t understand the GOSPEL, we don’t understand CHRISTIANITY. If we don’t understand the gospel, we can’t defend the gospel. If we don’t understand the true gospel, we’re at risk of believing a false one.
• There's only one gospel, so if you’re not preaching that one, you’re not preaching the gospel at all. When you add to the gospel, you lose the gospel all together. To add to the gospel is to diminish the cross!
• Paul was astonished that there are people distorting the gospel of Christ, but he was more astonished that the Galatians were listening to them, that they’ve turned away from the gospel so quickly. How fickle we are!
• "Satan operates more effectively through false gospels than through any other avenue, because it’s a great way to confuse God’s people… to take sound theology and twist it.” Tony Merida
• The Judaizers were not preaching the gospel, they were preaching legalism (working in our own power, and according to our own rules, in order to earn God’s favor).
• The gospel doesn’t tell us what we have to do to please God, it tells us that God is already pleased with us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This is such great news! So why are we so prone to ADD to the gospel?
• Paul's allegiance wasn’t to the Jewish Christians, and it wasn’t even to the Gentile Christians . . . his allegiance was to God. He wasn’t motivated by what would please one side or the other, he was motivated by the one, true gospel. Who do you long to please? Man? Or God? Whose approval are you seeking?