
Three Questions Underneath

Revelation 1: 4-10

April 22, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Questions that lie underneath what John wrote in Revelation. Questions asked of both believers and unbelievers.

1) Is this the way it’s always going to be?
2) What if I got it wrong about Jesus?
3) How is this all going to end?

Revelation 1: 4-10
Gerrit Dawson

The Door No One Can Shut

May 20, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Jesus opens doors. He also declares that he himself is the door. He’s the way into relationship with his Father. He’s the passage that takes us out of ourselves and into God’s life. As we pass through Christ, he scrubs us clean of our sins. As we give our lives over to him, he pours his everlasting life into us and through us. So Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture . . . I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly” (John 10: 9-10). The Door No One Can Shut Revelation 3: 7-13 Gerrit Dawson

Running Hot

May 13, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Christ wants us to open the doors of our hearts and lives not just to let him in, but to let him out! To let him go forth from us to care for his little ones. To bring the gospel to the lost ones. To bring healing love to the broken ones. This door opens both ways and Jesus wants not only to come in, but then to lead us back out into the dawn of his kingdom as it rises across the globe. "Running Hot Revelation 3: 14-22 Gerrit Dawson

Keeping Faith

May 6, 2018 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

The clamoring to exalt the self as center is all around us. The evil one himself seduces us to believe we need no savior and we need no Lord. He tells us to say I am glorious in myself. I deserve it all. This is me. But our tender Lord and Savior Jesus tells us a better story. Find your glory when you are taken into my story. I am the glorious one and unlike the Accuser, I share my glory with those who are mine. "Keeping Faith" Gerrit Dawson