
Love and Lost Causes: Joseph of Arimathea Sermon

Luke 23: 50-56; John 19: 38-42

April 5, 2020 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Joseph just wanted to honor his slain master. He just wanted the cruel shame to end. So he was willing to sacrifice politically, socially, personally to give Jesus a proper burial. And what a difference it has made! If Jesus had been dumped in a mass grave, there would have been no empty tomb to point out on Easter. If he had been discarded in an unfindable place, the resurrection would have seemed like a mere fabrication. But the world saw Joseph take Jesus to his home address. They saw the Lord laid in a tomb with a stone rolled over it. They beheld the Roman soldiers guarding it. So Joseph’s gift became an essential, everlasting witness to the resurrection of Jesus. He was buried in Joseph’s tomb. On Sunday, the stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty. Jesus really died. A lost cause. He also really rose. The triumph of love.

What's Next?

April 19, 2020 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

There’s no going back. Jesus is risen. Death is defeated. One man has shown himself to be Lord of life and death, Lord of all the cosmos. Once you know that, you can’t return to the old game of living just for yourself. You can’t think again that the point of your life is about being the you you dreamed up for yourself. It’s about shaping your life to love Jesus by knowing him for who he is and then loving his little ones in his name.

The King Sleeps: Holy Saturday

April 11, 2020 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Jesus plunged farther, died deeper, was crushed finer than we can imagine on Holy Saturday. This quiet service reflects on five psalms that sustained Jesus in this time.

The Turning of the Tears

April 12, 2020 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Mary turned round and saw Jesus. He spoke her name. And her tears were turned. He speaks your name as well, deeply into your heart. Jesus is the great turner of the tears. Jesus lives again. Arise!